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MOHO Resources

If you are looking to purchase MOHO assessments and other products, please visit the Products section of MOHO Web.

Recovery Through Activity by Sue Parkinson (2014)

Recovery Through Activity is underpinned by the Model of Human Occupation. The book:

  • provides comprehensive evidence regarding the value of activity along with a wealth of resources to support implementation of an occupation focused intervention
  • enables service users to recognize the long-term benefits of occupational participation by exploring the value of a range of activities
  • provides occupational therapists with a valuable tool to support the use of their core skills
  • helps to refocus the practice of occupational therapy in mental health on occupation - enhancing the quality of service user care in mental health
Order the book online.

Occupation Therapy Care Packages in Mental Health

These indicative OT care packages can be used as a clinical tool to assist occupational therapy practitioners working in mental health. These care packages are intended as a template. OT care packages are not intended to be used in a prescriptive way.

Care Packages Introduction

Care Packages

A Guide to Understanding MOHO

The handout and presentation provided below can be used to explain the concept of MOHO to other professionals.

Download the presentation. Download the handout.

Employment Options (EO) Manual

Employment Options was a research and demonstration project funded by the US Department of Education: Rehabilitation Services Administration (Grant H235A980170) with the Department of Occupational Therapy at UIC in collaboration with the Howard Brown Health Center. The Employment Options Program, based upon the Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner, 2002), supported people with AIDS in returning to work. This manual outlines the study and includes program development, program implementation, and case studies.

Download a PDF of the Employment Options Manual.

Enabling Self Determination (ESD) Manual

The Enabling Self Determination intervention was developed by the University of Illinois at Chicago and community partners as part of a controlled intervention research study funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (Grant H133G020217). This four phase intervention was developed to support individuals with HIV/AIDS to return to work and/or other productive roles and is based on the Model of Human Occupation and the Social Model of Disability. This manual outlines the study and includes information on program development and implementation.

Download a PDF of the Enabling Self Determination Manual.

MMHSCT OT brochure

The Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust has created an informational brochure explaining occupational therapy services for clients with mental health difficulties using MOHO concepts. You may find this brochure and the ideas presented in it useful for your own practice.

This brochure was authored by Jane Lee, John Grimshaw, and Mark McCann. MMHSCT cannot accept responsibility for any updates needed to the information contained in this brochure. If you are interested in contacting the authors to adapt this leaflet for your specific work site, please leave a message for the authors in the contact us section of their website.

To download a copy, click here. Downloading indicates you agree with the above information.

Copyright © 2025 University of Illinois at Chicago Board of Trustees
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